Missing Row for Next Automations when Previous Loop Automation Stops Unexpectively

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Iwan Glain

Hi guys,

I open a ticket about the loop automation, when the loop automation fail, the original number of loop that should be running, will be counted, even when the automation stop suddently, when I page is ;issing or the automation is not set up correctly, for example when filtering a step to fail and going to another step at the end, or next loop, if those are not set up correctly, the automation will stop automatically, for example if having 20 steps, deleting some, and still having the filter sending the the step 20, but having now 17 after deleting some, that will stop the automation, or the filter "going to the next loop", never work for me and stop the automation when the loop is failing, last thing, it has an issue with the steps order, when sending to the step 18 (example), it will send to the step 19, so the run fail if I send to 19, the automation will not recognise and will stop, it recognizes the step 20 instead of 19, but the 20 doesn't exist, and it stops the run

Sorry bringing all those, thank you so muc, guys

Thank you, always

Thank you



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