Inserting new step does not iterate filter steps or variables used in future steps


Lets say we have a scenario where data is captured at step 2 and where a filter is created at step 3. In step 4, data is used from step 2 to type text into a field.

In the step 3 filter, if a certain condition is not met then it will proceed to step 4.

Now here's the bug, if we insert an additional step 2, instead of all the "step" numbers incrimenting further down the chain, instead they don't. In this scenario that would potentially result in an infinite loop because the filter would always tell it to run itself again. Additionally, if there wasn't a filter then there would be a potential fail where the step that types text would be referencing the wrong data. Solution would be the system should auto increment all the steps further down the chain with a notification that the system is doing that. Additionally, if a step is deleted then then adjust accordingly.


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this should be categorized as a bug, not a feature request. SMH



I don't understand. I had reported something that might be related to this: "Inserting a step before a Loop breaks it". A comment was added:
"If you click on the loop step you will be able to set it to the newly updated step. Feature Request: request.taskmagic.com/b/feature-requests/inserting-new-step-does-not-iterate-filter-steps-or-variables-used-in-future-steps/'

The bug I reported has now disappeared. I don't see how this feature is related to that bug. And clicking on a Loop step just allow you to rename the step. It doesn't bring any way to select which steps to use as loop source.



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  • 6 months ago