Passwords and Cookies on Chromium Browser

  • Live


Tthe browser used to record automations does not appear to be persistent and it should be so we can log in to sites manually BEFORE recording and save the credentials to the automation browser so the automation can just run without logging in every time...this is also critical for sites that don't use passwords anymore but want to send credentials to an email or phone each time you login. This one thing makes TaskMagic a nonstarter for me right now.


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Status changed to: Live



Hey Stephanie, We are working on a way to support this in our new version of recording (providing 1 like it is currently and another thats a more guided/stop/start process that doesnt need to remember your passwords and only remembers cookies)

Anytime you recapture steps it is clearing the previous chrome profile that was generated storing those cookies (thats stored locally on your system)

We are planning to push this update in the next few days and that is likely when you will see it be capable of exactly what you're describing here